A Poem To My First Love

I could stare at her for hours as she bathed in the warm light of the golden sun.

I would trace my fingers along her curves and feel the plane of her dewy skin.

I should have known that I would fall in love and consider her to be the one,

I could get lost for miles in her magic before I’m forced to go back to where I’ve been. 

I often watched as the gentle wind blew through her flowing leaves,

And I frequently fell into a trance while lying in her meadows and pastures.

I would shake at the quake of the ground that she sometimes upheaves,

And I’d be in awe and filled with fear at the consequences of her major disasters.

I fell in love with her cool waters, warm rains, and rushing streams,

I marveled at her tall trees, tremendous deserts, and towering mountains.

I watched the moonlight kiss her oceans, lighting a pathway to our dreams,

And stood at the mouth of her fast-flowing and flooding water fountains.

I should warn you that my first love will always be in my life.

She’s always been there to keep me company as I went deep in thought.

She’s been there in times of joy and in plenty of times of strife.

Nature embodies everything I became and all the things that I’ve been taught.


Happy Valentines Day